Miscellaneous Tools for PySPH

Input/Output of data files

The following functions are handy functions when processing output generated by PySPH or to generate new files.


This module provides a convenient class called interpolator.Interpolator which can be used to interpolate any scalar values from the points onto either a mesh or a collection of other points. SPH interpolation is performed with a simple Shepard filtering.

SPH Evaluator

This module provides a class that allows one to evaluate a set of equations on a collection of particle arrays. This is very handy for non-trivial post-processing that needs to be quick.

GMsh input/output

Mayavi Viewer

Mesh Converter

The following functions can be used to convert a mesh file supported by meshio to a set of surface points.

Particle Packer

The following functions can be used to create a domain with particle packed around a solid surface in both 2D and 3D.