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How to build the docs locally

To build the docs, clone the repository:

$ git clone

Make sure to work in an pysph environment. I will proceed with the further instructions assuming that the repository is cloned in home directory. Change to the docs directory and run make html.

$ cd ~/pysph/docs/
$ make html

Possible error one might get is:

$ sphinx-build: Command not found

Which means you don't a have sphinx-build in your system. To install across the system do:

$ sudo apt-get install python3-sphinx

or to install in an environment locally do:

$ pip install sphinx

run make html again. The documentation is built locally at ~/pysph/docs/build/html directory. Open `index.html file by running

$ cd ~/pysph/docs/build/html
$ xdg-open index.html

How to add the documentation

As a starting point one can add documentation to one of the examples in ~/pysph/pysph/examples folder. There is a dedicated ~/pysph/docs/source/examples directory to add documentation to examples. Choose an example to write documentation for,

$ cd ~/pysph/docs/source/examples
$ touch your_example.rst

We will write all the documentation in rst file format. The index.rst file in the examples directory should know about our newly created file, add a reference next to the last written example.:

* :ref:`Some_example`:
* :ref:`Other_example`:
* :ref:`taylor_green`: the Taylor-Green Vortex problem in 2D.
* :ref:`sphere_in_vessel`: A sphere floating in a hydrostatic tank example.
* :ref:`your_example_file`: Description of the example.

and at the top of the example file add the reference, for example in your_example_file.rst, you should add,:

.. _your_example_file

That's it, add the documentation and send a pull request.